Giovanni Pernice Denies Allegations as Abbington Calls Out Bullying


Amanda Abbington has recently made headlines with her claims about feeling unsafe during rehearsals for Strictly Come Dancing. Abbington described the atmosphere as “toxic” and alleged she was subjected to “inappropriate, mean, nasty bullying” by her former dance partner, Giovanni Pernice. She reached out to the producers within days of starting rehearsals, expressing that the …

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Amanda Abbington Reveals Horrific Online Abuse After Leaving Strictly

amanda abbington rape threats

Amanda Abbington has recently revealed that she and her family have faced severe online abuse, including rape threats directed at her and her daughter, as well as death threats aimed at her son. This harassment followed her departure from Strictly Come Dancing, a show she left after five episodes due to what she described as …

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Giovanni Pernice at the Center of Controversy Over Rehearsal Footage

amanda abbington giovanni pernice

Giovanni Pernice, a popular dancer from “Strictly Come Dancing,” is currently embroiled in a controversy following allegations made by his former dance partner, Amanda Abbington. Abbington claims that there are 50 hours of rehearsal footage from their time together that Pernice is trying to block from being viewed. According to her, this footage is crucial …

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